Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Madeline's Christmas Box

Madeline's Christmas Box

Christmas has started a little early this year at the McDaniel house. We usually wait until after Thanksgiving to bring out our Christmas decorations and put up our Christmas tree, but this year I was very anxious. After seeing all the Christmas decor in the stores and seeing Maddie's excitement from it, I thought it would be fun to start early. So, our tree is up and the decorations are half way up. Our house is very unorganized at the moment, but I'm hoping in a week or 2 it will be all put together, and we can relax and enjoy the month of December in our Christmas decorated home. It is definitely my favorite time of the year, and I am so excited for all this season has in store. Madeline is so excited to celebrate Jesus' birthday, and asks all about the party and what kind of cake we are going to have. She also loves looking through the toy catalogs and Sunday ads to pick out which toy she would like to ask Santa for. This will be Madeline's 3rd Christmas and she is really starting to understand what Christmas is all about. I am talking to her about the season of giving and how we can give to our friends and family, and the less fortunate . I started a tradition with Maddie and this year she loved it. I have been collecting Christmas books, special ornaments, and little toys that she can play with every year. I let her open her box last week, and she was so excited. We have been reading her books and she was able to hang many of the ornaments on the tree this year. I am usually a perfectionist about the ornaments on the tree, but Ive decided to let that go this year. Its pretty cute seeing how she hung the ornaments and the ones she chose to hang in certain places. Here are some photos:
Strawberry Shortcake, Christmas is Here!
Her stacking boxes, and a couple of ornaments
Digging in to her box

Grammie Pammie

Here are a few photos of Maddie and Grammie. Last Spring my mom moved in with us, and Maddie loves having her Grammie here. Grammie works 7 nights a week, and sees Maddie every morning when she gets home from work. They spend a lot of time together in the morning, and in the evening before Grammie leaves for work. Madeline and Grammie love to read together, sing, and watch Cailou ( I think that's how you spell it?). We love having Grammie with us, and we are happy to be able to share our home with her.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Maddie , Gray, and Will

Lets go trick or treat!

We had so much fun this year for Halloween. The last few weeks of October were a little rough for us, but Halloween day was so much fun. Maddie has a Minnie Mouse and a Cinderella costume that we thought one of the two would be her Halloween costume. However, she liked the idea of being a fairy. So my mother in law found a tutu, wings, halo, and wand that would work for a fairy. It has flowers on it and is pink, so she was a Pink Garden Fairy. She loved her little costume. Early in the afternoon Grandpa Gerv and Nanny Nancy came to visit and take some pictures with Madeline. She loved seeing them and was very disappointed when they left. She thought they were going trick or treating with out her. She understood what trick or treating was this year and could hardly wait to get out there.

After Nanny and Grandpa left we headed over to our friends house, The Peters family. We had such a great time with them. They have a wonderful neighborhood that really gets into Halloween and decor for trick or treater's. Maddie and her friend Will did so great trick or treating around most of their neighborhood. The 2 daddy's and I took the kids out while Mama Nadine stayed at the house to hand out candy and stay with sweet baby girl Graysen. The kids were so so cute. They took turns ringing the door bell. They said, "trick or treat, Happy Halloween, and Thank you", then they would turn to us and say, "next house?". Will was a train conductor, just like Maddie's daddy. We had so much fun and can't wait for next year.

Bye Bye Binky

Last Monday night Oct 26, Maddie decided to give up her binky. I remember the first time we gave Baby Madeline a binky to help soothe her. It was like a miracle. I remember feeling guilty yet relieved I gave her one. She became extremely attached to it, and we had one with us at all time. All the grandparents had them at their homes and we had them all over our house, in diaper bags, back packs , and purses. She LOVEd her binky. Korey and I actually did too. We loved how well it soothed her. She has been the easiest baby and toddler for us, however we have been very attentive to her needs and wants. She is our baby and we do everything for her.

So last Monday when I was reading to her and tucking her in, I told her that when she was ready she could give her binky to the Binky Fairy. She became interested in the Binky Fairy and began asking questions. I began making up quite the elaborate story about the Binky Fairy. She comes at night and takes the binkys when kids are sleeping and leaves a "very special" present. She lives in a castle. Madeline had many questions. I explained once she comes and takes the binkys, they are gone forever. Madeline then said, "Here you go mommy, give my binky to the Binky Fairy", while handing me her binky. I was a little shocked. I was just wanting to prep her with a little conversation about the Binky Fairy. I had no intention of that night being the night she would be done with her binkys. She was done and was looking forward to a special present in the morning. The binky fairy came and left her some dress up clothes, and a My little Pony. I wasn't able to see her reaction or be with her the next day, but Korey was with her. He told me she was so excited, and loved her presents. She has asked about the binky once and has not had any sadness or grieving, as I expected would happen. Its like she just forgot about it. I am so proud of her. Our baby is growing up so fast. I love little moments in her life, like this. I love enjoying every thing about her and watching her grow.

A day at Greenlake

My friend Kelsie and I , and our kids went down to Greenlake to check out a couple of stores that carry running shoes. I found a great new pair, but have yet to use them. I am hoping to get running again today!!! We took the kids over to the park and they had a blast. We were able to get a few cute photos. Austin is 3, Levi is 1, and Maddie is 2 and 1/2.

Celebrating Abbey and Anna

These are all amazing women, mothers, and friends.
I am blessed. Abbey is the 2nd one in on top in the white shirt.
Her new cloth diapers, love the colors :)

My dear friend Abbey is pregnant with her third child. A couple of weeks ago I attended her baby shower a long with my other dear friends. I met Abbey when I started Stroller Strides when Madeline was 8 weeks old. I remember her having so much energy as an instructor and mom to 2 adorable, busy toddlers. She is such an inspirational woman, and I feel extremely blessed to have Abbey in my life. Anna is quite the restless baby girl right now, and often times has scared us all, especially her mama. We are all praying she continues to grow inside her mommy and stay put for another week or 2 or 3. For Abbeys shower gift we helped to purchase cloth diapers for her. Good luck with that Abbey, can't wait to see how it goes. I may be persuaded.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Photos from our day at the farm

A Fun Day at Remlinger's Farm Harvest Festival

Yesterday, Korey and I took Madeline to the Harvest Festival at Remlinger Farm. It was a gorgeous day and every one else in the area had the same idea as well. It was very busy and lots of people were there. Auntie B and Auntie KK met us there, along with one of Auntie B's best friends , Erin, and her 2 sweet little girls Grace and Maddyn. It was so special for Madeline. I remember meeting Grace when she was only a couple weeks old, and I was newly pregnant with Maddie. To see the two girls playing together at ages 3 and 2 and 1/2 reminded me again of how fast time goes by. We started out the day at the farm by going to the petting farm. The girls were able to feed the farm animals and pet them. Then we moved on to the carnival rides. The girls went on the merry go-round and the spinning barrels, they called them the "teacups"( so cute). Maddie ended up getting very scared from spinning in circles, and I do not blame her all, I have never cared for those kind of rides. The bouncy house was able to bring back smiles, and get out some energy. After the bouncy house we decided to go ride the train. They have a miniature train that is on real tracks, and modeled after a real train. It took us all around the farm and it we saw all of the pretty colors of fall all around us. After the train ride we were pretty tired and ready to head to Nana and Grandpa's for dinner. We saw pony rides on the way out and decided to see if Madeline would ride a pony. She was so excited and rode on a pony named "Pumpkin". It is truly amazing how much my little girl has changed and grown in just one year. Last year she wanted nothing to do with pony's and was scared to go on rides by herself. This year she was all about it. We had such a fun day at the farm and then headed over to my parents house for dinner. We had a delicious family dinner and spent time together. I love our family days, and cant wait to head to the pumpkin patch by our house next weekend.

Photos from Harvest Festival

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy October

Last week we picked up our first pumpkin of the season at Fred Meyer, because they were super cheap. We also plan to go to the pumpkin patch to get a few more. I let Maddie color on it with markers, and later we will carve it. Today is a beautiful fall day and she was in her cute new "monkey" outfit so I took a few pictures of her by her pumpkin. We also have a huge spider web to the right of our front door that has been there over a month, with quite a large spider in it as well. Maddie is fascinated by the spider, and has named it Cookie Spider. We like to think of the spider as a she,one day she's there and other days she not. We have a Fancy Nancy book that has pictures of spiders too, Maddie thinks they are pretty cool to look at but she definitely keeps her distance. Happy October! Lots more fun October happenings ahead!